Focus And Scope

IJLJ: Indonesian Journal of Law and Justice, is an open access Indonesian national journal that is peer reviewed and published in various leading databases. This journal provides a forum with the aim of motivating Lecturers, Students, Legal Researchers, Legal Practitioners, and personnel in all fields of Law. This journal publishes articles in all areas of Law, including: Criminal Law, Civil Law, Company Law, Corporate Law, Labor Law, Family Law, Tort Law & Consumer Protection Law, Professional Ethics, Constitutional Law, Evidence Law, Arbitration, Conciliation & Alternatives, Human Rights, Environmental Law, Property Law, Jurisprudence, Legal Aid, Contract Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Civil Procedure Law, Statute Interpretation, Legal Writing, Administrative Law, Land Law (Including Ceiling and Other Local Laws), Investment & Securities Law, Taxation Law, Cooperative Law, Banking Law (Including Negotiable Instruments Law), Contracts/ Trusts/ Women & Law, Criminology, National Economic Law, Comparative Law, Insurance Law, Conflict of Laws, Intellectual Property Law, Distributive Justice, Environmental Justice, Injustice, Employment Injustice, Open Justice, Organizational Justice, Poetic Justice, Social Justice, Justice Spatial, Natural Law, Analytical Jurisprudence, Normative Jurisprudence, Sociological Jurisprudence, Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Virtue Jurisprudence, Historical Jurisprudence, Kauteler Jurisprudence, Feminist Jurisprudence, Political Jurisprudence, Postmodernist Jurisprudence, and others.