Tumoutou Social Science Journal
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024)The Tumoutou Social Science Journal (TSSJ) invites the submission of high-quality scholarly contributions that explore topics within the disciplines of Administrative Sciences, Law, Economics, Education, History, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology, Communication Sciences, Social Work, and related fields. Submissions may adopt theoretical, empirical, or critical perspectives. While The Tumoutou Social Science Journal primarily seeks original and well-articulated research papers, it also welcomes theoretical articles, book reviews, and other forms of scientific contributions.
Tumoutou Social Science Journal
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)The Tumoutou Social Science Journal (TSSJ) invites the submission of high-quality scholarly contributions that explore topics within the disciplines of Administrative Sciences, Law, Economics, Education, History, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology, Communication Sciences, Social Work, and related fields. Submissions may adopt theoretical, empirical, or critical perspectives. While The Tumoutou Social Science Journal primarily seeks original and well-articulated research papers, it also welcomes theoretical articles, book reviews, and other forms of scientific contributions.