About the Journal
Journal title | : Journal of Economics, Business, Accounting and Management |
Initials | : JEBAM |
Grade | : - |
Frequency | : 2 Issues per year (April, October) |
DOI | : prefix: 10.61476 by |
Online ISSN | : 3032-274X |
Editor-in-chief | : Heri Kurnia, S.Pd., M.Pd. |
Contact | : info@kurniajurnal.com |
Publisher | : CV. Kurnia Grup |
Cite Analysis | : Google Scholar |
Indexing | : Google Scholar |
Current Issue
Journal of Economics, Business, Accounting and Management (JEBAM) specifically focuses on the main problems in the development of economic sciences, as follows:
- Business,
- Management and entrepreneurship,
- Finance and accounting,
- Marketing and social media,
- Human resource management,
- Corporate governance,
- Economic sustainability